The Senate on Wednesday approved $16,230,077,718, €1,020,000,000 and a grant component of $125,000,000.00 under the 2018-2020 External Borrowing (Rolling) plan” for the Federal Government.

This followed the consideration of the report of the Senate Committee on Local and Foreign Debts by the Senate. The report was presented by the Chairman of the Committee, Senator Clifford Ordia, at plenary.

The recommendation of the Committee: “That the Senate do approve the under listed ongoing negotiation of external borrowing in the sum of $16,230,077,718, €1,020,000,000.00 and a grant component of $125,000,000.00 under the 2018-2020 External Borrowing (Rolling) Plan” was approved by Senators when it was put to voice vote by Senate President Ahmad Lawan at plenary

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