The Oyo State Governor ‘Seyi Makinde has received a massive boost on Friday, as the Council of Obas in the state declared its support for the governor, stating that the good works being done by the administration across the state should continue beyond 2023. 

The royal fathers, who converged on the House of Chiefs, Secretariat, Agodi, Ibadan, lauded the governor for delivering good governance, building infrastructure and for defending the interest of the residents of the state. 

Speaking on behalf of the royal fathers, the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Dr. Mohood Lekan Balogun, who spoke through the Osi Balogun of Ibadanland, High Chief Lateef Adebimpe; the Okere of Saki, Oba Khalid Olabisi and the Olugbon of Ile Igbon, Oba Fransis Olusola Alao, maintained that they are proud of the governor over his massive achievements in office in a little over three years. 

A statement by the Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Mr Taiwo Adisa, indicated that the Acting Governor of Oyo State, Mr. Abdulroheem Bayo Lawal, who received the traditional rulers on behalf of Governor Makinde, praised the royal fathers’ resolve to support the continuity of good works being done by the governor, promising that the administration would not relent in delivering good governance to the state. Lawal, who stated that the royal fathers and not the government called the meeting, thanked the monarchs for recognising the good works of the administration. 

According to him, the media has a duty to let the world know that Obas in Oyo State saw the achievements of the governor in the last three years and chose to pay a courtesy visit to commend him and declare their support for him beyond 2023. 

Earlier, the Okere of Saki, Oba Olabisi said: “We Obas convened this meeting today. Some weeks ago, we had this kind of gathering, Obas from Oke Ogun came to pay a courtesy visit to the Deputy Governor and to say thank you to the administration for the massive and unprecedented developments in Oke Ogun since this government came into office in 2019. 

“But as the Oyo State Council of Obas, we felt that we should all come to appreciate the Governor on that larger scale, because Oyo State has witnessed tremendous progress under this government. As traditional rulers, we have come to appreciate the governor for his unprecedented achievements in the state and we want continuity on what he started three years ago. 

“By the special grace of God, we the people of Oyo State, will re-elect the governor. Truth is, there are a lot more projects that need to be done and we believe someone like him would deliver because he can be trusted,” he said. 

High Chief Adebimpe, who spoke on behalf of the Olubadan, Oba Dr. Balogun, who was also in attendance at the event, said the state has, indeed, witnessed unprecedented development under the leadership of the incumbent governor. 

Olubadan, who maintained that the people of Ibadan always see and commend good works and that Governor Makinde, who is a true son of the soil, should be allowed to continue in office. In his response, the acting Governor, Lawal, appreciated the Obas for endorsing the governor for second term, noting that he would convey their messages to the governor. 

“A few weeks ago, traditional rulers from Oke Ogun came to pay me a courtesy visit and to congratulate me. It is even more gratifying that today, all the traditional rulers in the state have come to eulogise this administration. So, I really thank you very much for this. 

“This is well acknowledged and will go down the history of this state that a running government is appreciated by the traditional rulers. 

“Repetition does not improve argument, so I will not repeat what the traditional rulers have said, but our achievements have been well-articulated. 

“I want to tell you that we will not relent. We will continue to do our best to move Oyo State forward in line with the vision of His Excellency. 

“As traditional rulers who appreciate the good works the government is doing across the state, I want to beg that you continue to pray for the governor. 

“Wherever you feel you can make corrections, please don’t hesitate to table it before us. Your duty is to advise us from time to time and this is one of the essence of this meeting we are having today.”

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