President Muhammadu Buhari has proposed the sum of N234 billion for the National Assembly in the 2022 budget proposal laid before the joint session of the National Assembly last Thursday. Breakdown of the proposed total allocation showed that the sum of N134 billion was captured under the Statutory Transfer while N100 billion was proposed for Constituency projects.

The proposed N134 billion as National Assembly’s statutory allocation for the 2022 fiscal year was N6 billion higher than the sum of N128 billion proposed by the Presidency in the 2021 budget estimates.

In line with the shared understanding between the Executive and Legislature, the sum of N100 billion was also allocated for Constituency projects in the 2021 Appropriation Act.

Other 2022 budget lines captured in the Statutory Transfer include: N120 billion (against N110 billion proposed in 2021 estimates) for National Judicial Council (NJC); N46.172 billion (against N29.70 billion proposed in 2021 estimates)  for North East Development Commission (NEDC); N4.5 billion (against N3 billion proposed in the 2021 estimates) for National Human Right Commission (NHRC); N98.712 billion (against N63.51 billion) for Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC); N140 billion (against N40 billion proposed in the 2021 estimates) for Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC); N54.051 billion for National Agency for Science Engineering & Infrastructure (NASENI); N8.690 billion (against N5.20 billion proposed in the 2021 estimates) for Public Complaint Commission (PCC); N108.102 (against N70.05 billion proposed in the 2021 estimates) for Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) and N54.051 (against N35.03 billion proposed in the 2021 estimates) for Basic Health Care Fund.

However, National Assembly passed the total sum of N983 billion Supplementary budget (against the proposed N895 billion by Mr President, showing an increase of N88 billion.

However, the sum of N1 billion was also approved for National Assembly by President Buhari in the Supplementary budget, the sum of N500 million was approved for the Senate and N500 million was also approved for the House to pursue the ongoing Constitutional Review.

From the N13.588 trillion approved by the National Assembly on the 22nd December 2021, National Assembly got the sum of N125 billion.

As a sign of departure from previous Assemblies, the made public details of its budgetary allocation.

Breakdown of the subheads showed that the sums of N15,967,404,815 were National Assembly Management; N33,267,001,807 was for Senate; N51,994,511,954 was for House of Representatives; N5,734,166,662 was for National Assembly Service Commission (NASC); N9,602,095,928 was for Legislative Aides; N118,970,215 was for Senate Committee on Public Accounts; N142,764,258 was for House of Representatives Committee on Public Accounts; N9,134,672,079 was for General Service; N7,373,813,596 was for National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS); N389,354,934 was for Service–Wide Vote; N275,243,752 was for Office of the Retired Clerks and Permanent Secretaries; while N8,690,000,000 was for Public Complaints Commission (PCC).

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