Following series of disturbances and attacks on soldiers in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia state, the Nigerian Army has vowed to eliminate all criminals from the communities in the area.

Gunmen had on Wednesday killed a young lady and a soldier and later engaged soldiers of the Brigade in a gun duel before they were dislodged.

Commander 14 Brigade,Ohafia, Brigadier General Adegoke Adetuyi, who stated at the Brigade while receiving delegates of traditional rulers and elders of Ohafia, warned that that he was posted to the area to ‘romance’ any criminal, but to constitutionally do everything possible to ensure peace is maintained without compromise in Ohafia and environs.

Adetuyi ,who has assumed duty as the new Commander of the Brigade, condemned the recent incident that happened in the community which led to the killing of a young soldier and a lady by suspected members of IPOB/ESN, insisting that none of the criminals would be spared in the communities.

He enjoined the traditional rulers to talk to their subjects to eschew violence, embrace peace and stop harbouring criminals in their communities to avoid innocent citizens being subjected to unnecessary inconveniences or get hurt, in reference to the killing of the young lady by suspected IPOB members.

The Commander urged all stakeholders to report any act that is inimical to the peace and security of the communities to the Army, adding that success can only be achieved with such synergy.

“We must do all we can to eradicate all criminal elements from Ohafia and environs. I was not sent to Ohafia as Brigade Commander to romance any criminal, but to constitutionally do everything possible to ensure peace is maintained without compromise in Ohafia and environs. Traditional rulers must talk to their subjects to eschew violence and embrace peace and stop harbouring criminals in their communities. This must be done to avoid innocent citizens from being subjected to unnecessary inconveniences or get hurt , like the killing of the young lady by IPOB members,” Adetuyi said.

He stated that there was need for the delegates to endorse an undertaking to assure of their undiluted support for peace and security in Ohafia. The delegation agreed to the idea and signed the document.

Earlier, Chairman of Ohafia Local Government Area, Dr. Okoroafor Ukiwe commiserated with the Commander over the death of the soldier, adding that the Council appreciates the efforts of the military in securing Ohafia and environs.

Ukiwe assured the Commander that the efforts to ensure that the incident does not recur in the area are of great importance to the council.

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