Chief Ikechi Emenike


After a successful congress, the Abia State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has embarked on mass mobilisation of voters in the grassroots ahead of the fast approaching 2023 general election. The voter mobilisation project, which kicked off on Thursday at Obingwa local government is principally targeted at youths and women voters who are expected to drive the forthcoming change in Abia with their ballots.

Series of meetings have been held involving youth and women leaders and stakeholders from the 184 wards and 17 local governments od Abia to strategise on the modus of the mobilisation project.

It was gathered that the focus of the party in mobilising the youth and women voters was predicated on the belief that they constitute the critical mass of Nigerian electorate.

Leader of Abia APC, Chief Ikechi Emenike and other prominent party chieftains are deeply involved in the mobilisation, encouraging the party faithful to go down to the suffering  Abians in the rural communities with the message of liberation.

He said that APC was expanding its dragnet to the grassroots in order to dethrone the ruling PDP convincingly in 2023 by demonstrating to the people of Abia the better way to follow after  their long suffering in the hands of PDP.

“We want to win majority decent votes,” he said, adding that “Abia is ripe for change as already ordained by the Almighty God who has heard the fervent prayers of Ndi Abia asking for change.

According to him, youths and women are the worst affected by the maladministration which has persisted in Abia for over two decades hence the need to mobilise them to vote out agents of sufferings.

Emenike stated that Abia has got great potentials but was unlucky to find itself in the grips of a cabal that care less about the welfare of the people but are interested in plundering the resources that should used for development.

“The unworthy characters who have held Abia down since 24 years ago are still in charge and wants to continue in 2023, he warned Abia voters, urging them to use their ballots wisely and checkmate bad leaders.

The Deputy Chief Whip of the House of Representatives, Hon Nkiruka Onyejeocha urged the APC  members  to remain committed  and run to the grassroots with the party’s msssage of change.

She said that the ruling PDP has over the years accumulated enough evidence of misgovernance with which it should be sent packing from Abia government house, adding that the APC has come to the rescue.

In his remarks, former governorship aspirant, Chief Friday Nwosu said that Abians should not fold their hands and expect that outsiders would come and liberate them from bad leaders.

He said that a consensus of opinion exists among the people of Abia that the state has remained stagnant while suffering has continued to be the lot of the people hence the clarion call for change.

“Abia has been damaged and we must think of how to repair it,” he said, adding, “Our salvation lies in our hands and we have to fight to liberate ourselves from bad governance.”

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